Greetings, fellow humans! My name is Amy Kay Hazelwood. I am an artist and dreamer living and working in the mountains of Colorado. I devote my life to exploring what it means to be human and spirit at once, alive on earth in such strange times.
My art and other creative expressions are how I connect with this wild experience of life and process it all! My practice is both meditation and prayer, sparring and play: an ongoing dialog that feels like a passionate poetry slam between myself, the divine, and the universe at large.
Through my process of discovery, dreaming, and expression, I become the realest version of myself: vibrant & alive and tapped in to the flow of love & magic. My greatest vision of all is for every one of us to live within this flow and become divine puzzle pieces, fitting together harmoniously with all others, each adding our individual pattern of colors and marks to humanity’s collective artistic expression.